with none, but my own contour,
The sweating day gifted by
the fiendish fellow, the sun..
In search of something
that comes often in dreams
A soothing breeze
that cools the fire inside..
It is love indeed
sometimes a pill for grief..
at times a slap over joy..
always an unsolved mystery..
Far over there
I see someone
with a sign of delight,
and hope for life..
It is Love, for sure
as it melts the soul..
Vanishing all pain and grief
Sparkling like gems..
Waving my hands
Craving for his hands
I strolled more
Over miles..
It was sudden..
He was unseen
Making all clear
it was just a mirage..
Love is a mirage
It fascinates..but,
often betrays
the one who urge for..
Now; again none in this path
Me and my thoughts alone
The mighty Sun
still warming in and out...